Smart relevance

Advantageous recommendations

Lean back and relax with a smile on your face, knowing very well that maevsi will let you know whenever there's something coming up that you don't want to miss.

Personal appreciation

Exclusive invitations

Believe it or not: People love to have you around. Now allow them to bring you in most elegantly for memorable get-togethers.

Trustworthy users

Respectable appearance

Don't trust us, trust the users. Check the experiences shared proudly by others and be in full control of where to go best.

Loyal community

Empowering friendships

Arriving somewhere new can be hard. Staying in the same place can be too. Wherever you are, maevsi is your shortcut to get among amazing people and build long lasting connections.

Get updates directly from the source.

Superior Pricing

Subscribe for events.

A generous free tier. Fair paid plans. This is how pricing should be.



Get started

What everyone needs. Why are people still even charging money for this?

  • Notifications for relevant events
  • Access to the social network
  • Shareable portfolio
  • Personal invitations
  • Ticketing
  • Host events for up to 10 people
  • GDPR compliance
  • 1 GB cloud storage
  • 48-hour support response time



€10 per month if paid annually

Everything in Guest, plus essential tools for professional organizers.

  • Unlimited guests for your events
  • AI target group calibration
  • Optimizations for collaboration
  • Calendar API
  • 10 GB cloud storage
  • 24-hour support response time



€300 per month if paid annually

Contact sales

Everything in Organizer, plus deep insights and data warehousing.

  • Event promotion
  • Analytics and forecasts
  • Performance reports
  • 1 TB cloud storage
  • 1-hour, dedicated support response time